
Demokratin hotad i turkiet

Turkiet eu

I båda fallen har man anfört att traditionella familjevärderingar hotas. Bakom plattformen finns aktivister som hävdar att minst kvinnor mördades i Turkiet och ännu fler året innan. vann plattformen när saken prövades i domstol. Även hbtq-aktivister vittnar om att trycket mot dem har ökat.

Ryssland demokrati

Denna idé ligger bakom många av nutidens politiska ledares framgångar i Turkiet, Ryssland, Ungern, Polen och USA. Liksom den, med stor sannolikhet, bidrog till utgången i brexitomröstningen. Demokratin är inte längre den självklara lösningen. Människor ser uppenbarligen andra alternativ.

    Turkiets president

April 13, ANKARA—When Ismail Ok, a minister of the Turkish parliament, broke ranks with his party leadership, he knew what would come next. In January, Ok’s party, the far-right.

Val turkiet

    The government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is dismantling human rights protections and democratic norms in Turkey on a scale unprecedented in the 18 years he has been in office, said Human.

Turkiska regeringen

Leaders of six opposition parties in Turkey have signed a joint declaration outlining their plan to restore parliamentary system and strip the powers of the president if they win elections.

Turkiet yttrandefrihet

  • The night of 15 July is held up by the government and its supporters as a sign of Turkey's democratic maturity: when more than people were killed on the streets resisting the tanks and coup.

  • Ui turkiet

  • Ui turkiet

    Two former senior U.S. officials in the fight against ISIS told NBC News of their dismay at President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw support for Kurdish allies in Syria.

    Val i turkiet 2023

    WASHINGTON — Officials from six nations spent more than $, at former President Donald J. Trump’s hotel in Washington when they were seeking to influence his administration, renting rooms.
  • Turkiet yttrandefrihet
  • demokratin hotad i turkiet